Soybean industry welcomes new breeding program

Oct. 15, 2024 | 5 Min read
A renewed commitment to specialised breeding should see growth in the domestic market.

 Soybeans are one of the world’s most traded oilseeds, providing a valuable protein and oil source for the human and animal industries. 

Australian soybeans provide domestic and export supply for the edible and animal stockfeed markets, but Australia remains a net importer of soybean products.

However, a peak industry body believes Australia is on the path to growing the domestic soybean industry thanks to a renewed commitment to specialised breeding of the important legume crop. 

Soy Australia welcomes the recent announcement by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) of continued investment in the soybean industry through the appointment of Adelaide University as the breeding partner for the national soybean breeding program. 

This follows the previous breeding program, a partnership with GRDC, CSIRO and NSW DPI, which delivered a number of commercialised varieties that have provided both agronomic and grain quality gains to the domestic and export markets.

According to Soy Australia’s chairman, Paul Fleming, soybean breeding is vital to the growth and development of Australia’s soybean industry, and he is delighted GRDC is investing in the industry’s future.

“This renewed commitment to specialised breeding of this important legume crop is a critical component to the industry’s plan to grow the area and volume of soybeans in Australia,” Mr Fleming said.

“Australian grown soybeans are sought after in Australia and overseas due to being non-genetically modified, high in protein and high quality,” he says.

“It’s vitally important for the future of the industry that we have access to varieties bred specifically for our tough Aussie climate.

“Soy Australia looks forward to working closely with the new breeding partner to ensure high yielding, high protein and well adapted varieties are being bred in Australia,” Mr Fleming adds.




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