Seed program hits 200

Nov. 25, 2023 | 5 Min read
The Australian Seed Federation’s Seed Industry Professional Program is getting runs on the board as fast as Glenn Maxwell – and is about to go right past his world cup 201 in program participants enrolled.

The Australian Seed Federation’s Seed Industry Professional Program is getting runs on the board as fast as Glenn Maxwell – and is about to go right past his world cup 201 in program participants enrolled.

Australian Seed Federation public affairs and education manager Fergus Brown says their Seed Industry Professional Program (SIPP) is the first of its kind and demand continues to grow.

He says ASF is enrolling people into the program every week.

“SIPP has been live for just over a year and we’re almost at 200 participants from around 30 seed companies,” Mr Brown said.

The program is designed to upskill and onboard people working in the seed industry, giving them a thorough understanding of seed-related skills and topics,” he says.

“In participating in the program, the individual earns professional development points and ultimately earns the accreditation of Seed Industry Professional.”

Mr Brown said ASF has spent a lot of time promoting the program to make sure seed companies are aware.

He says the federation wants it to be a good experience to engage with SIPP and ensure it is making it as easy as possible to get involved.

“A few months ago we added a new category to the program, which allows seed companies to enrol their entire team for a flat cost.

“It’s a great way companies can use the program as part of their induction process and also upskill their teams, supporting them to have long and fulfilling careers in the seed industry.

“The model has proven to be very popular.”

SIPP expansion opportunities

With the Seed Industry Professional Program now having such a wide uptake amongst seed companies, the ASF’s education and training working group is now looking to what’s next.

Looking to the future, ASF is delighted to be delivering seed industry short courses through Marcus Oldham College Geelong - Australia’s only independent agricultural college.

“The 2023 cohort undertaking the agribusiness course will be completing some of the seed industry courses as an elective unit, focusing on the importance of seed in the agriculture production process.

“We can’t wait to get their feedback and use this program to attract more young talent to our industry.

“We’ve also got some exciting collaborations which will be launched in 2024 – as well as advanced level courses – so watch this space.”

Celebrating Seed Industry Professionals

Since the program’s inception 10 participants have reached the milestone of Seed Industry Professional.

“We make sure to recognise when participants reach the peak of the program – that’s the achievement we want everyone to reach,” Mr Brown said..

Find out more

“We’re always looking for seed industry experts, seed companies and other related industries to collaborate with us to develop additional initiatives within the program,” he says.

“If you are interested in being involved in the development and delivery of our current projects, or have ideas for new ones, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.”

For more SIPP information go to, contact Fergus Brown at or call (02) 6282 6822

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