Protecting the harvest with Methograin

Oct. 9, 2023 | 5 Min read
Australian winter cereal growers and grain handlers preparing for the 2023 harvest have a tried and trusted product range available to protect their stored grain from major damage by insect pests.

Australian winter cereal growers and grain handlers preparing for the 2023 harvest have a tried and trusted product range available to protect their stored grain from major damage by insect pests.

The Methograin range of grain protectants, produced by long-term and experienced European-based pest control product supplier Bábolna Bio, and used to protect Australian cereals, is now being distributed in Australia by AgNova.

AgNova Business manager Andrew Glover said the national average wheat yield, forecast in September by CSIRO’s Wheatcast, is likely to be 2.20 t/ha for 2023 – not as high as recent years, but still above the 15-year national average yield.

“Once harvested, three quality Methograin grain protection products (detailed below) are available to protect this stored grain from widespread major pests: lesser grain borer, rice weevil, rust-red flour beetle, saw-toothed grain beetle, confused flour beetle, Indian meal moth, and tropical warehouse moth.”

Methograin Delta IGR Grain Protectant

Methograin Delta IGR is a new product to the Methograin range consisting of a co-formulation of synergised deltamethrin and the insect growth regulator (IGR) S-methoprene.

Mixed with uninfested grain including malting barley, sorghum, rice and maize, Methograin Delta IGR will provide up to nine-months’ protection against various insect pests, including organophosphate-resistant strains. Saw-toothed grain beetle, flat grain beetle, flour beetles, lesser grain borer and tropical warehouse moth will be controlled by Methograin Delta IGR.

Weevils (Sitophilus spp.) can also be controlled with this product when used in combination with Methograin Fenitrothion 1000.

Methograin IGR 300 Grain Protectant

An advanced concentrated S-methoprene formulation, Methograin IGR 300 provides protection against immature insect pests only, and is an ideal partner for use with other grain protectant insecticides for on-farm use and by bulk grain handlers.

Approved for all cereal grains including malting barley, and effective against organophosphate-resistant and pyrethroid-resistant insect strains when mixed with uninfested grain, Methograin IGR 300 will provide nine-months’ protection from lesser grain borer, rust-red flour beetle and saw-toothed grain beetle.

Applied as the grain is being transferred by auger into storage, the treated grain only needs to be held for 24 hours before processing for human consumption or stock feed.

Methograin Fenitrothion 1000

In stored grain, this product provides up to six-months’ protection from rust-red flour beetle, confused flour beetle, rice weevil, Indian meal moth, and tropical warehouse moth.

Applied to the grain while being transferred by auger, the treated grain has no withholding period when used at the 6ppm rate for three-months’ protection, or a withholding period of 13 weeks when used at the 12ppm rate for six-months’ protection.

Methograin Fenitrothion 1000 now comes in two pack sizes, the 300mL pack that can be used to treat 50 tonnes of grain at the 6ppm rate, and in a new 1L pack for larger storages or rates of application.

The product can also be used as a structural hygiene spray treatment for equipment and empty storages.

On-farm hygiene is important

Besides ordering Methograin products to ensure the quality of grain going into storage is protected against damage by grain pests, Mr Glover said it’s also time for growers to attend to on-farm hygiene to ensure this season’s grain will be going through clean, uninfested equipment, and into clean, pest-free storage facilities.

“A dilute spray of Methograin Fenitrothion 1000 can be used (according to instructions) to treat grain storage facilities and equipment, an economical way to prepare a clean and hygienic environment for the new season grain.

“Grain already in storage may also have run out of protectant cover and be a potential source of infestation for newly harvested grain.

“Undertake monthly grain inspections and sampling for the presence of live insects.

“Fumigate (if applicable) to eradicate existing infestations, followed by protectant application of Methograin Delta IGR Grain Protectant plus Methograin Fenitrothion 1000, to maintain protection until the grain is sold or used.”

Categories Grain protection Rural Business

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