Pasture Trials Network head

Dec. 13, 2022 | 5 Min read
The Pasture Trials Network (PTN) recently appointed Tony Butler as executive officer for the organisation.

The Pasture Trials Network (PTN) recently appointed Tony Butler as executive officer for the organisation.

Mr Butler brings a passion for the pasture industry and extensive experience in key roles of other organisations over the past 10 years, covering research, project coordination, business development and management.

“I have a passion for pasture science, along with a strong association with the pasture industry and a history of working with the PTN since its establishment in a trial operator capacity… this role is a dream job opportunity for me as a pasture specialist,” he said.

Mr Butler is a seasoned rural professional holding a Master of Agricultural Science focused on pasture agronomy and biochemistry and a Bachelor of Agriculture.

His previous role as co-deputy business unit director, and business development manager at Staphyt Australia and New Zealand saw him responsible for technical service development and working with clients in meeting their contract service needs.

Mr Butler said he is excited to make his mark in the role as PTN executive officer by further building on the work of the PTN to date and developing it into an even more valuable and useful program for relevant stakeholders in the pasture, livestock, and dairy industry.

Mr Butler has been busy in his first three months of the appointment, establishing effective trial management tools and procedures with big plans for 2023 and beyond in communicating the value of PTN to industry.

“The Pasture Trials Network offers independent, robust, grazing forage/feed base variety performance information,” he said.

“Since the start of the program, a substantial number of trials have been successfully run and results published, with data and trial reports available for eight major pasture species: annual, Italian and perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, tall fescue, lucerne and sub-clover.

“I look forward to providing valuable data and insights to livestock producers, advisors, dairy producers and more through the PTN,” Mr Butler said.

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