Pasture database gets major update

May 6, 2024 | 5 Min read
The Australian Seed Federation's pasture database has recently been updated with information on stacks of new pasture lines available.

The Australian Seed Federation's pasture database has recently been updated with information on stacks of new pasture lines available. The pasture database compiles data from pasture seed companies and represents a comprehensive list of all pasture species and varieties available in the Australian market.

Head of policy and programs for the Australian Seed Federation, Fergus Brown, said the pasture database is a really useful tool for livestock producers, farmers and dairy producers to find the most suitable pasture product for their production needs.

“In combination with other pasture resources such as the Pasture Trials Network’s (PTN) eTool or Dairy Austalia’s FVI, producers can make informed decisions on what will give them the best bang for buck,” he says.

“The depth of information available in these pasture resources allows for better decision-making, backed by data. Pasture users know the value of choosing the right species and variety, which can contribute to cost savings, improve nutrition, benefit the environment, and, overall, lead to better profits.”

New pasture products

In recent years, the number of pasture species and pasture seed products commercially available to pasture seed suppliers and livestock producers in Australia has increased significantly.

“There are several reasons for this increase in new pasture seed products becoming available, from increased plant breeding activity and development, new species from other countries with similar agro-ecological conditions, and products available from the transition of public to private sector breeding programs,” Mr Brown says.

The Australian Seed Federation's pasture database captures all the leading pasture seed companies' product listings, and breaks down information on flowering activity, ploidy, brand names, Australian marketer, variety confirmation, marketing and production status, intellectual property status, plant breeder and links to the company websites.

“It really is a one-stop pasture shop, and we encourage producers, agronomists and seed companies to take a look,” he says.

Pasture trials network

Sitting alongside the Australian Seed Federation's pasture database is the pasture trials network (PTN), which will soon celebrate 10 years of trials.

The PTN partners with leading seed companies and receives funding through MLA and Dairy Australia, enabling pasture trials across temperate zones of Australia.

“The trial data gathered through PTN is made available free of charge through the PTN eTool on the MLA website,” Mr Brown added.

“The PTN data allows producers and advisers to compare more than 100 temperate pasture varieties to determine which varieties perform best in their specific environment,” he says.

“The seed companies involved, and the varieties used in the trials are all listed in the ASF pasture database. So, you can go through and check out performance data and trial reports and see what pasture species and variety is going to work best for you in your region, then check out the pasture database to find out who developed and sells the product you're after.”

Mr Brown says the PTN eTool has recently been updated and now has data from 125 trials spanning ten years across a broad spread of the temperate zones.

“As well as the past performance data and reports, looking ahead, the PTN is expanding with new trial locations in south-east Queensland, Adelaide Hills and south-west WA.

“It’s really positive to see the PTN expanding and growing year on year, and it is important for the Australian Seed Federation to be involved as a partner in the program, encouraging and promoting the use of new pasture products,” Fergus concluded.

To learn more about the pasture database and the ASF member companies involved, visit the Australian Seed Federation’s website:

To compare and review pasture species and varieties for your region, check out the PTN eTool:




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