Nutrien investing in stronger communities

June 13, 2023 | 5 Min read
In 2022, Nutrien Ag Solutions invested more than $3.1 million in donations, sponsorships and programs to support rural and regional communities right across Australia.

In 2022, Nutrien Ag Solutions invested more than $3.1 million in donations, sponsorships and programs to support rural and regional communities right across Australia.

Launching the first ever ‘Nutrien in the Community’ impact report, managing director Kelly Freeman said the report recognises the fundamental role that strong rural communities play in the success of agriculture.

“It’s a privilege to work in agriculture, where every day we are invited into the lives of farming families across the country,” Mr Freeman said.

“We also know the success of agriculture and the prosperity of regional Australia is inextricably linked. This is what underpins our commitment to invest in the future of rural communities who support our farmers and the rural economy.

“Through our investments, we recognise the role that strong communities play in a strong rural economy and the value of investing in programs that create a positive impact for those living in rural areas.”

Nutrien donated $3500 to the community group ‘1922 & you’.

In 2022, the second round of the annual Community Grants Program, awarded more than $250,000 to local grassroot organisations. The CRT Primary Schools program was also launched to support primary schools in country towns.

Director of corporate affairs Carissa Buckland said the business is focused on supporting initiatives that deliver significant impact in the communities in which they live and work.

Nutrien put its support and efforts behind a local gardening team to help the local town.

“In May the whole business turned blue in support of Dolly’s Day, in September we announced an exciting new partnership with CareFlight, and we also donated more than $222,000 to disaster relief to support our communities to recover and thrive after devastating fires and floods,” Ms Buckland said.

“All over Australia you will find Nutrien Ag Solutions employees coaching local sports teams, fundraising for community organisations, hosting charity auctions and volunteering thousands of hours to their causes.”

Categories Rural Business

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