Making silo fumigation easier with SiloKeeper

Nov. 17, 2022 | 5 Min read
A new easy-to-use tool that plans, monitors and tracks QuickPhos fumigation in on-farm storage is soon to be released in Australia.

A new easy-to-use tool that plans, monitors and tracks QuickPhos fumigation in on-farm storage is soon to be released in Australia.

SiloKeeper, developed by UPL Australia, is an easy-to-use app that will guide farmers through fumigating grain silos and bunkers effectively and safely.

UPL Australia marketing manager Ian Cass says SiloKeeper helps to ensure the critical success factors for effective fumigation are adhered to – the right dosage, correct exposure time, airtight enclosures, the temperature and humidity inside enclosures, and the right air distribution and ventilation.

“SiloKeeper provides clear directions for each stage of the fumigation process. It monitors and tracks the entire fumigation process, sending update alerts to your smart phone.”

The app records details of silos that are fumigated and ready for grain removal. Once fumigation is complete, a record of fumigation is generated for grower’s records which can be passed onto the next owner of the grain.

Mr Cass said safety alerts can also be sent to app users and farm staff if they come within 50 metres of a silo or bunker being fumigated.

He said with a large percent of stored grain in Australia being treated with phosphine, the active ingredient in QuickPhos, the grain industry is reliant on the continued effectiveness of the fumigant as an economical and efficient pest management tool.

“However, phosphine resistance has increased in past years because of failed fumigation practices.

“Following industry best management practices and using properly sealed storage is essential to the efficacy of QuickPhos. Otherwise, we potentially risk future access to this product – which would have industry-wide repercussions.”

Mr Cass said not only does SiloKeeper assist with adhering to best practice for effective fumigation, but it also makes life easier for growers and their staff by helping manage the fumigation process from start to finish.

“SiloKeeper provides an easy-to-follow process when preparing for fumigation, along with a planning timeline, a dashboard with fumigation status details, plus safety reminders and alerts.”

The app also captures the critical success factors of temperature, humidity and moisture, as well as calculating the right dosage of QuickPhos needed.

“We focussed on making SiloKeeper user-friendly and intuitive,” Mr Cass said. “We wanted a good planning and recording tool but knew it also needed to be simple to use so that it becomes a valuable on-farm tool.

SiloKeeper is currently in the final testing phase and is scheduled for release via the Apple App Store and Google Play store in early December.

Categories Business solutions & technology