Headline McGREGOR GOURLAY expands

May 2, 2024 | 5 Min read
Agribusiness company McGregor Gourlay has been serving northern NSW and Southern QLD for 127 years and on  March 4, proudly opened the doors of three new branches at Toowoomba, Cecil Plains and Meandarra QLD.

Agribusiness company McGregor Gourlay has been serving northern NSW and Southern QLD for 127 years and on  March 4, proudly opened the doors of three new branches at Toowoomba, Cecil Plains and Meandarra QLD.

McGregor Gourlay purchased the former National Farmers Warehouse (NFW)  business which has its origins in Toowoomba in 1997. The three branches involved now pushes branch numbers up to 17.

Over 27 years of operation NFW earned a reputation for supplying the Darling Downs with quality rural produce and first class customer service and advice.

McGregor Gourlay Group General Manager Michael Slater said former owners (Russell Brown and John Harvey) were passionate about agribusiness in the Downs and were seeking a buyer who would be care takers for their lifelong legacy.

 “They foresaw many synergies between our two business models with an independent feel that put our people first at the top of the list,” Mr Slater said.

“We agreed there was a fit and once we started the ball rolling seriously in December it was a whirlwind period of only two months to bring the sale to fruition.

“It’s a significant event when two independent Australian-owned agribusiness companies such as these come together.”

Mr Slater said  McGregor Gourlay – which was set up by pioneering stock and station agent John Archibald McGregor in Warialda in 1897 – were looking to expand their footprint throughout southern Queensland extending from its current Queensland location at Goondiwindi. 

“ It just made sense to push up through the Downs area when we currently service clients in the Meandarra area from Goondiwindi”.

The Toowoomba branch employs ten permanent staff bringing the total McGregor Gourlay workforce to around 170.

“We have retained all staff bar one from the NFW business so customers will still interact with the same friendly, service driven experts they have in the past.”

“McGregor Gourlay is 100 per cent Australian owned with all the board members having a wealth of experience in agriculture and rural communities .”

McGregor’s intend on opening the Meandarra site for three days a week commencing mid-April and The Cecil Plains site five days a week commencing end April.

Both of these locations will have Agronomic support and a complete logistics offering to ensure a full service model for both locations.

Mr Slater said the reaction from Toowoomba locals to the new venture has been positive with the new paint job on Anzac Avenue attracting a lot of attention. 

“The look is different but the people and service won’t change. Ensuring we deliver on what we promise and industry leading agronomic advice are the pillars our business is built on.”

“We look forward to working with the Toowoomba crew to ensure that our valued customers on the Downs come under the Mcgregor Gourlay umbrella of care,” he said. 




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