Extended protection for foliar diseases in cereals

June 29, 2023 | 5 Min read
For the 2023 winter cereal season Sumitomo is excited to have commercial volumes of their new foliar fungicide Metropol.

For the 2023 winter cereal season Sumitomo is excited to have commercial volumes of their new foliar fungicide Metropol.

Jock Leys, business development manager for Sumitomo said they were very pleased with what they have seen with Metropol in trials over the past several seasons and in limited commercial applications last year.

“Metropol is an exciting new option for cereal growers, like some other options it combines Group 3 and Group 11 fungicide actives but what makes it unique is that it is the only fungicide to combine the market standard strobilurin active azoxystrobin with the long lasting DMI active flutriafol.

Metropol treated wheat on the left vs wheat treated with an alternative fungicide on the right.
Northwest Victoria 2022 clearly shows the ability of Metropol to retain green leaf for longer. 

“Metropol has one of the highest loads of azoxystrobin of any fungicide in this market giving it a longer length of protection combined with a stronger ‘stay green affect’.

“When you combine this with the proven flutriafol active that growers and agronomists value for its long-lasting disease control, you have a product that will give a longer duration of protection.”

Mr Leys said the long length of disease protection afforded by Metropol sets it apart from other options, but this also brings with it longer withholding periods as it takes longer for the fungicide to drop to below required residue levels within the plant.

“For people using Metropol at standard timings for grain only crops this is a positive feature as it’s what allows it to give longer disease protection, however for those using it on grazing cereals they should be mindful of the grazing withholding requirements on the label.

“In last year’s limited commercial sales the growers and agronomists that got to put some Metropol out were very positive on its performance, all noting that its disease control was excellent.

“In some trials the increased stay-green effect that high rates of azoxystrobin is known for was also very evident. Where crops have adequate moisture and nutrition at the end of the season this ability to keep the leaf greener for longer can lead to the crop being able to continue to fill grain for longer,” he said.

Categories Fungicides