Delta Ag’s incoming CFO

June 10, 2023 | 5 Min read
Leading Australian independent rural agribusiness provider, Delta Agribusiness, is proud to announce the appointment of Matt Freeman to the role of CFO following Glenn Findlay’s retirement.

Leading Australian independent rural agribusiness provider, Delta Agribusiness, is proud to announce the appointment of Matt Freeman to the role of CFO following Glenn Findlay’s retirement.

“Glenn had been with Delta Ag for a little over 11 years and has been integral to Delta’s success over this time – his significant contribution cannot be overstated,” says Delta Agribusiness managing director Gerard Hines.

“Glenn’s role as CFO and Company secretary, as well as a member of the senior management team, has contributed strongly to the enormous growth and development over that time.

“His diligence, work ethic and ability to sum up any situation quickly and with clarity is second to none. In his role Glenn had been responsible for all things ‘back end’, whilst providing strong leadership and strategic vision as the business has grown over the past 11 years.

“Following Glenn’s retirement, we are delighted to announce his successor in Matt Freeman. Matt Joined us late 2022 in the position of CFO and company secretary with a transitional phase working alongside Glenn.

“It has been a fantastic opportunity to join Delta Ag, the company is well renowned in the industry for being a leading supplier of rural inputs with an exceptional advisory team and I love that they have remained independent,” Mr Freeman said.

“Aside from its impressive history of growth and continual focus on partnering with farmers to make the right decisions, the people and culture of Delta are really what drives its success. The whole business has welcomed me with open arms, and I am looking forward to supporting Delta and continuing its exciting journey.”

Mr Freeman comes highly qualified from a long line of senior roles across various sectors, most recently being the Group CFO at AWN for the past five years. He was also recognised last year as one of the AFR Boss Young Executives of the Year for 2022.

“Aside from Matt’s very high technical and practical skill base, he also has a close connection and understanding of Australian agriculture and is very people orientated,” Mr Hines said. “He enjoys nothing more than getting out bush, spending time in one of our branches and if the opportunity arises to get onto one of our client’s farms to better understand the challenges our people and clients face.

“Matt will be a terrific addition to our leadership team and will be based in our Sydney office.”

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