Datamars Livestock signs Cameron Griffin

Jan. 28, 2024 | 5 Min read
Born and bred in Cairns Bachelor of Agricultural Business graduate Cameron Griffin is now employing his lifelong passion for the Australian landscape and the diversity of animals which inhabit it, across the south east of his home state.

Born and bred in Cairns Bachelor of Agricultural Business graduate Cameron Griffin is now employing his lifelong passion for the Australian landscape and the diversity of animals which inhabit it, across the south east of his home state.

He has taken a big step forward in his quest for the best balance of animal and environment and has signed on as new territory manager with Datamars Livestock.

Mr Griffin’s experiences within conventional farming operations unveiled a disconcerting truth: modern agriculture's relentless pursuit of mass production at the lowest cost has led to the degradation of topsoil and a decline in human health, divorced from environmental and consumer wellbeing.

Driven by a desire for a more sustainable path, he fortuitously discovered the regenerative agriculture movement.

Not only did it align with his beliefs in holistic land and livestock stewardship it also offered hope for a more natural alternative.

Mr Griffin’s journey took a turn when he embraced the idea controlling land was more pivotal than owning it.

In 2019, he acquired his first lease and the journey toward a regenerative grazing enterprise began.

Four years later, Binowee Family Grazing operates across 270 acres on six different lease farms in Queensland’s South Burnett.

Their core approach involves high-density rotational grazing, emulating nature's blueprint and promoting land healing.

By mimicking natural grazing patterns, they aim to optimise profitability while nurturing the land, proving sometimes nature's wisdom is the ultimate guide to sustainability.

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