BASF’s new ‘Triple trait’ canola release

Sept. 10, 2023 | 5 Min read
True flexibility has arrived with the addition of BASF’s best canola variety yet, InVigor LR 4540P, providing growers with their first opportunity to sow a ‘triple trait’ TruFlex variety.

True flexibility has arrived with the addition of BASF’s best canola variety yet, InVigor LR 4540P, providing growers with their first opportunity to sow a ‘triple trait’ TruFlex variety.

InVigor LR 4540P joins InVigor LT 4530P (launched in 2021) as the only varieties bred with three different trait technologies.

Both varieties contain the LibertyLink and PodGuard traits – which are exclusive to InVigor hybrids – however the new InVigor LR 4540P also contains the TruFlex trait, making it an appealing variety to wide range of growers.

“We’re very excited to be able to offer growers Australia’s first triple trait TruFlex variety,” said Gavin Heard, head of BASF seeds and traits, Australia and New Zealand.

Last year’s National Variety Trials (NVT) results placed InVigor LR 4540P among the top of the TruFlex varieties, emerging as one of the strongest performers in the low to medium rainfall environments with plenty of upside, as well as being number one for harvest flexibility and a standout for weed control.

InVigor LR 4540P is also an excellent performer in medium to high rainfall areas.

InVigor LR 4540P includes BASF’s unique PodGuard trait, providing a much higher level of shatter-tolerance than traditional breeding programs can achieve. The superior PodGuard protection and compact plant height allows growers greater harvest timing flexibility and reduces harvest yield loss.

“Growers now have the opportunity to introduce Liberty Herbicide on top of their TruFlex spray program,” Mr Heard said.

“InVigor LR 4540P provides a valuable opportunity to introduce a new mode of action, not previously used in broadacre cropping, into their canola program.

“This will give more flexibility than any other variety on the market and further improve control of certain weeds. In particular, those which have developed resistance to other herbicides, such as annual ryegrass.”

InVigor LR 4540P is scheduled for commercial release in time for the 2024 cropping season. If trial results are an indication, this would suggest it will be in high demand as it offers growers excellent yield potential and greater flexibility throughout the season.

The TruFlex and LibertyLink traits are produced by genetic modification, so InVigor LR 4540P canola will be classified as GM and subject to the same management requirements as other LibertyLink and TruFlex crops.










Variety snapshot

• BASF’s latest breakthrough triple trait variety InVigor LR 4540P contains TruFlex, PodGuard and LibertyLink

• National Variety Trial (NVT) results place InVigor LR 4540P at the top of TruFlex varieties for outstanding yield potential

• InVigor LR 4540P sets a new standard for weed control and harvest flexibility.

Categories Merchandise

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