Agsafe Industry Standard online

Sept. 3, 2023 | 5 Min read
Agsafe has launched its Industry Standard framework for the safe transport, storage and handling of agvet chemicals all in one place – online on the Agsafe website.

Agsafe has launched its Industry Standard framework for the safe transport, storage and handling of agvet chemicals all in one place – online on the Agsafe website.

The Agsafe Industry Standard available at brings together in one publication the fact sheets that previously made up what was collectively known as the Industry Standard.

Launched at the Agsafe Stewardship Conference at the Gold Coast in July, the Agsafe Industry Standard – currently at 154 pages – is now available free to members and to non-members for a fee.

Introducing the publication, Agsafe chair Gavin Jackson urged all stakeholders in the agricultural sector to embrace the Agsafe Industry Standard.

He said the initiative represents the collective technical knowledge, wisdom and commitment of the agvet industry to responsible and sustainable agvet stewardship and practices.

“I am confident this Industry Standard will serve as a catalyst for positive change and transformation,” he said.

“It will guide us towards a future where the agvet industry flourishes in harmony with the environment, where our workforce remains safe and protected and where we meet the evolving needs of society.”

To produce the standard, Agsafe’s quality assurance (QA) specialist Wayne Sear led a collaborative effort with the Industry Reference Group (IRG), regulators, dangerous goods specialists and representatives of interested organisations.

Agsafe membership services manager Angela Harrison supervised the project under the direction of Agsafe general manager Dominique Doyle.

Ms Harrison said there were continuous improvements to the standard in response to changes in legislation, regulations and codes of practice relevant to the industry.

She said the 3-month project to bring together the Industry Standard in one place therefore represented the status quo in July 2023.

To take in regulatory changes the Standard will be updated in consultation with the IRG and published online at least twice a year.

Each element of the standard is now explained by an accompanying fact sheet specifying the requirements and the detail for members to meet the Standard and achieve industry best practice.

Sections in the Standard cover:

• manifest, product register and emergency information

• WHS/OHS documentation

• storage of scheduled poisons, dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals

• signage

• forklifts, machinery and racking

• emergency planning and response

• transport of chemicals

• point of sale documentation

• training

• industry stewardship.

Ms Harrison said the newly combined standard was structured differently from earlier versions and as such was a modern document for current times. Its goal and focus are, however, unchanged.

“It is still all about the safe transport, storage and handling of agvet chemicals in retail premises and storage locations throughout Australia.”

Categories Agsafe Transport

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