Agsafe to add recycling for soft plastics

March 24, 2023 | 5 Min read
Agsafe is very pleased to announce that bagMUSTER – an initiative of CropLife Australia in strategic partnership with the Australian Seeds Federation, will join with Australia’s longest running agricultural waste management program drumMUSTER.

Agsafe is very pleased to announce that bagMUSTER – an initiative of CropLife Australia in strategic partnership with the Australian Seeds Federation, will join with Australia’s longest running agricultural waste management program drumMUSTER, to deliver recycling of soft plastic agricultural product input bags across rural and regional Australia.

When fully operational, bagMUSTER will be funded by industry. Agsafe is well positioned to leverage off established stakeholder linkages and ensure the long-term success of the program.

Further supporting industry-wide uptake of bagMUSTER will be the commitment from CropLife Australia member companies who are world-leaders in whole-of-life product stewardship, demonstrated in their commitment through the CropLife Members’ code of conduct. Other industry participants in the supply chain are strongly encouraged to join in this initiative.

Agsafe’s general manager Dominique Doyle says bagMUSTER is a perfect fit for Agsafe’s stewardship programs, and that operating alongside drumMUSTER is a natural progression for the initiative.

“bagMUSTER will become as recognised as drumMUSTER out in the bush. This is a leading example of how the agricultural industry and individual farmers and communities can work together to provide a recycling pathway for soft plastic bags.”

Agsafe’s David Leitch has been appointed bagMUSTER manager and will oversee operations nationally. bagMUSTER will commence a pilot operation by mid-2023 and have in place a national program by 1 January 2024.

For further information, or to express your interest in participating in this program please visit or phone Agsafe.

Industry at Stewardship Awards

The Agsafe Stewardship Conference and Awards are being held this year at Sea World Resort on the Gold Coast from 25–27 July.

As well as two days of conference activities including guest speakers, a regulator panel discussion, Industry Reference Group meeting and field trips, six awards will be presented at a gala dinner to recognise excellence within the Agsafe stewardship programs.

These include an award for an Agsafe member premise that consistently shows dedication to excellence in the safe handling, transport and storage of agvet chemicals and an award for an individual (team member) within an Agsafe member premises that displays an outstanding commitment to safety and stewardship within their organisation.

Agsafe’s national product stewardship program drumMUSTER, will see two awards presented. The first award is presented to an outstanding community group that provides drum inspection and collection services. The second drumMUSTER award will be presented to a drumMUSTER collection facility for their commitment to the container recycling program.

The final two awards will be the Agsafe Chair’s Stewardship Award which is presented to an organisation or individual that has demonstrated continued commitment to Agsafe’s stewardship programs, as well as a Lifetime Achievement award.

Entries to the Agsafe Stewardship awards are now open and nominations will close on 31 May. Nomination forms can be downloaded from the conference and awards website at or by contacting Agsafe on (02) 6206 6888.

Categories Agsafe

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