Caterpillar control DiPel holds fast on resistance and affordability

Sept. 13, 2024 | 5 Min read
Brassica growers planning their spring planting could count on leading organic Lepidopteran caterpillar control DiPel to protect their crop and enjoy significant cost benefits at the same time according to agronomist Bruce Stark, from reseller Lindsay Rural Gatton in Queensland’s Lockyer Valley.

Brassica growers planning their spring planting could count on leading organic Lepidopteran caterpillar control DiPel to protect their crop and enjoy significant cost benefits at the same time according to agronomist Bruce Stark, from reseller Lindsay Rural Gatton in Queensland’s Lockyer Valley.

He says a key benefit of Sumitomo Chemical Australia’s long-standing insecticide, DiPel – introduced in 1971 – is its affordability.

“It equates to approximately $65 per hectare at the recommended rate of 1kg per hectare, compared with more recent chemistry on the market, which could cost about $150/ha at the recommended rates. 

“With farming costs continuing to soar, DiPel is an affordable and fail-safe defence against all Lepidopteran species, including those strains resistant to other insecticides. Unlike many other insecticides which often build up resistance over time, DiPel has no recorded resistance.

“DiPel is user-friendly, safe for humans, wildlife, and the environment at a time when growers are increasingly seeking safer, more sustainable ways to farm,” Mr Stark says.

“It’s also non-toxic to pollinators and other beneficial insects such as Diadegma wasps, the naturally occurring enemy of the Diamondback moth, which is the most common pest in brassicas.”

He says DiPel worked on its own or in tandem with other products in integrated pest managaement (IPM) and organic programs to keep Lepidopteran species to manageable numbers.

“Coming into September and October, we recommend growers start with DiPel very early in the crop cycle, about three weeks after transplanting, when insect pressure is at its highest and at the egg-hatch stage.

“The product acts fast to stop caterpillars feeding over a number of days, which means no further damage to crops. Applying early in the season also allows natural predators to continue their work in controlling pest populations. This is crucial during the crop establishment phase,” he says.

While DiPel is widely used in conventional brassica production in the Lockyer Valley, Mr Stark says there is also a fledgling organic industry which could also benefit from its use.

Its dry flowable formulation contains live spores and endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies Kurstaki (Btk). Because it is classified as non-hazardous, Btk insecticides can be used up to harvest time and there is no minimum re-entry period after spraying.

“Insecticide use goes in cycles. When one develops insecticide resistance, growers fall back on DiPel, which has stood the test of time for more than 50 years,” he says.

DiPel also controls Lepidopteran caterpillars in other vegetables, fruit, vines, oilseeds, cereal grains, herbs, tobacco, ornamentals, forestry, amenity trees and turf.

As well as caterpillars, it is effective against a range of pests including armyworm, cotton bollworm, native budwork, cabbage moth, lightbrown apple moth, cabbage white butterfly, helicoverpa, green looper, pear looper, soybean looper, vine moth and tobacco looper.

Sumitomo Chemical Australia, which pioneered Bt insecticide use, has continued to innovate through fermentation, formulation and the application of technology – factors which have contributed to DiPel maintaining effectiveness in the ever-changing insect control environment.

Sumitomo recommends applying DiPel after 4pm to reduce the impact of UV breakdown and to avoid overhead irrigation or rain for 24 hours after spraying.

An Australian organic registered farm input, DiPel’s features include excellent efficacy, rainfastness (the time needed between application and a rain event), quality formulation, resistance management and easy application. It is readily available from agricultural suppliers and resellers.




Categories Market insight Spring horticulture & viticulture