Customers love Wengfu fertbook Dealer module

Sept. 14, 2023 | 3 min read
Wengfu Australia continues to lead the industry with faster more efficient ways for their customers to access their fertiliser requirements.

The ‘fringe benefits’ of agtech on the farm

June 28, 2023 | 4 min read
The application of agtech is often positioned to improve operational efficiency, profitability and sustainability. But could this narrow definition be limiting the adoption of agtech on farm and in the supply chain?

SwarmFarm Robotics raises $12M for automation

June 28, 2023 | 5 min read
With over 526,000 hectares (1.3 million acres) covered to date, SwarmFarm Robotics seeks to chart a farm-centric path in the race to farm autonomy.

Beating sandplain lupins is like a case of the blues!

June 28, 2023 | 4 min read
More often than not, when an old house in Perth is demolished in winter, a few weeks later a spectacular germination of blue lupins (aka sandplain lupins) will emerge from where the house once stood.

AI Assessment closes in on grain quality

June 26, 2023 | 4 min read
South Australian agtech company GoMicro has just released an AI (artificial intelligence) powered assessment app that empowers Australian farmers to determine the quality of their grains – using their smartphones.

Collecting animal data with Gallagher app

June 26, 2023 | 3 min read
Being able to access animal performance data is increasingly important. Farmers are busy and facing heightened demands on their time and efficiency.

Pests symptom of a deeper problem

Feb. 19, 2023 | 2 min read
A headache is not the problem. It's a symptom of a problem. Taking pain relief medication only temporarily masks the problem. You still have the problem. A good doctor will search for the cause of the problem and treat that. It's the same with growing a crop.

MaxCare’s new animal app

Dec. 22, 2022 | 1 min read
MaxCare is excited to announce the launch of its new app ‘MaxCare Animal’.

Instant analysis boosts in-crop N efficiency

Dec. 22, 2022 | 4 min read
Growers can now gain the nitrogen (N) nutrition status of a range of crops instantly following the launch of a unique smartphone app that aims to assist the most efficient application of fertilisers to maximise returns and protect the environment.

Agbot’s affordable tank monitor sold by Elders

Nov. 20, 2022 | 2 min read
An innovative which allows primary producers to monitor their water tanks, dams and diesel tanks remotely from their mobile phones or laptops is now available from Elders.

Nutrien talent program for tech development

Nov. 18, 2022 | 2 min read
As the race for talent across the agriculture, mining and technology sectors continues to tighten, Nutrien Ag Solutions is hoping a new dedicated program will help prepare the ag industry with the skills needed now and into the future.

Promo merchandise: a look back and forward

Nov. 18, 2022 | 3 min read
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times!” Charles Dicken’s famous first line of “A Tale of Two Cities” could well have described 2022 in our chosen field of promotional merchandise, Charles Clixby writes.

The magic of Merlin Software

Nov. 17, 2022 | 3 min read
Business owners know that running a company calls for hard work, careful planning, and reliable processes.

Making silo fumigation easier with SiloKeeper

Nov. 17, 2022 | 2 min read
A new easy-to-use tool that plans, monitors and tracks QuickPhos fumigation in on-farm storage is soon to be released in Australia.

Novel technology alters the face of 2,4-D

Oct. 15, 2022 | 3 min read
Corteva Agriscience has long recognised the benefits and strengths of 2,4-D herbicide. With its robust broad-spectrum activity on some of the most important hard to kill weeds, it is well justified as a vital tool for fallow management.