Verpixo proves a boon for botrytis control

October 18, 2024 | 3 min read
Wine and table grape growers have brand new chemistry available for the costly diseases botrytis a...
Verpixo proves a boon for botrytis control

Research aims to improve nutritive value of Kikuyu

October 16, 2024 | 2 min read
New research by Dairy UP aims to unlock the nutritive potential of kikuyu pastures used ...
Research aims to improve nutritive value of Kikuyu

Soybean industry welcomes new breeding program

October 15, 2024 | 2 min read
A renewed commitment to specialised breeding should see growth in the domestic mar...
Soybean industry welcomes new breeding program

What Rural Business means to the rural merchandise industry

For Corteva Agriscience, Rural Business is a well-presented professional magazine that is key in our communication to the reseller market. It’s a valuable asset in the rural sector.
Karen D
Corteva Agriscience
Rural Business Magazine is a great way to showcase your brand to the wider market.
Ian C
Thanks for your ongoing support on the importance of maintaining good livestock health and treatments. Plus your ongoing communication on mental health is fantastic.
Mark W

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Rural Business has earned a reputation as the rural supply industry’s primary trade magazine for over 40 years.

It is the key source of information on products, services and people in the rural supply and distribution trade.

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